Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS)

这是BWS的资料。 这份非常深入,是给我自己留的。
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome(BWS) is an overgrowth syndrome characterized by macrosomia, macroglossia, omphalocele, hemihyperplasia, and increased tumor risk.
BWS can be associated with genetic and/or epigenetic alterations that modify imprinted gene expression on chromosome 11p15.5.
Somatic mosaicism for paternal uniparental disomy (UPD) of chromosome 11p15, found in 20% of BWS patients, is associated with specific features of BWS including hemihyperplasia, Wilms tumor, and hepatoblastoma.
The highly variable phenotypic spectrum of BWS associated with UPD may well reflect the level of UPD 11 cells in specific organs and tissues such that very high levels of UPD might produce a more severe phenotypic expression of BWS.
Beckwith Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) involves the deregulation of a number of genes, including IGF2 and CDKN1C, in the imprinted gene cluster on chromosome 11p15.5.
In sporadic BWS cases the majority of patients have epimutations in this region. Loss of imprinting of the IGF2 gene is frequently observed in BWS, as is reduced CDKN1C expression related to loss of maternal allele-specific methylation (LOM) of the differentially methylated region KvDMR1.
The causes of epimutations are unknown. To date the only genetic mutations described in BWS are in the CDKN1C gene.
- Frequency: 0.8% (USA)
Risk factors
- in vitro fertilization and assisted reproductive technology (ART) (4.6% vs 0.8% USA) (12439823)
- cardiac anomalies
  • excess of cardiac malformation (15608459)
  • epicardial angiofibroma (15608459)
  • focal giant cell cardiomyopathy (4095024)
- visceromegaly (unilateral or bilateral)
- hepatic anomalies in BWS
- adrenal anomaies in BWS
- adrenal heterotopia
- renal anomalies in BWS (42%) (12138139)
- persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia (11441340)
  • islet cell hyperplasia (endocrine pancreas hyperplasia) (11441340)
- infantile hamartomas
- macroglossia
- omphalocele
- umbilical hernia
- diaphragmatic hernia (15517831)
- extralobar lung sequestration (15517831)
- hemihypertrophy
Tumor predisposition (4-21%) (15887271)
Patients with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) have a risk of 7.5% to 10% of developing childhood tumors, 60% of which are Wilms’ tumors.
- vascular dysplasias (vascular malformations)
- Increased tumour risk
Molecular biology
Aberrant methylation of two distinct clusters of imprinted genes on chromosome 11p15 is detected in approximately 70% of BWS cases.
- sequence variants in the IGF2 gene (14645199)
- loss of imprinting of the IGF2 gene
- reduced CDKN1C expression related to loss of maternal allele-specific methylation (LOM) of the differentially methylated region KvDMR1
- germline mutations in the CDKN1C gene (MIM.600856) at 11p15.5
- germline mutations in the NSD1 gene (MIM.606681) at 5q35
See also
- overgrowth syndromes


第一个好消息                    817
  今早醒来,乎然觉得有了些信心, 或者是昨晚念了一晚经 求观音娘娘给我指示。 从内心深处感觉得到小豆不会有trisomies的问题。唯一让我担心的是Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndromes.
  早上带了小毛去看医生; 近来他常在睡觉中流鼻血, 我们用竟了办法都不能阻止鼻血半夜的来临。据医生说可能是空气里的ragweed花粉过敏造成鼻子里的血管inflammation。 不过她肯定不是leukemia。 她确定让小毛验血to rule out Von Willibrand’s disease。 小毛的健康让我松了口气。
  下午,Perinatalogist 的护士来电带来了第一个好消息, 小豆的trisomy 131821 都完整,正确,没问题。其他的得等两个星期才知道。娘娘请报佑小豆,让好消息陆续而来。


晴天霹雳                               816
  我与哈呢, 个别都有梦过我们会两个孩子。他甚至知道是 两个男孩。 他很肯定 那第 二个是个开心果。我们面对infertility 的问题多年, 好不容易得到了毛一, 但两个月后却掉了它。后来数月后得了小毛。 那时我是怀着战战兢兢的心情, 一直怕不见了他。小毛是顺顺利利的诞生了,虽然有些惊心动魄的事,但还算母子平安。
  到了这胎, 我想我应该相信我们的梦, 什么也不想, 充满信心的, 愉愉快快的怀这胎。我是高龄产妇加上我的超大uterus fibroid, 医生是安排我每四个期做定期ultrasound sonogram 来肯定胎儿的成长。昨日我们一家抱着期待又紧张的心情去看小豆豆。一开始便看到小豆豆是个男孩, 哈呢的梦灵了(虽然他想要个女儿)。我可是无所谓,我已有了我要的儿子。 再下来, 看了他的脸,胖都都的,瞒可爱的。再下去,在他的腹部上头好象多了一块东西。医生的脸色也变了。他看了数分钟,最后宣布这是 omphalocele. 小豆的肠藏有部份留在体外,这可大可小。小的是只是肠在外,但这也可能是genetic的问题,那问题就大了。他的其他器官也可能有影响,如心胀,肺,肾等等。
  晴天霹雳!!!为甚么上天从未提告我们此事。我们只梦过小豆会来,梦过他开朗,聪明,但从未梦过他有健康问题。这是小豆吗?或许我做错了什么事,把我们的命运都变了。我的心碎了。我一时也不知该如何做决定。医生劝我做amniocentasis来测看是不是genetic problems, 尤其是trisomies 181321。然后再测心藏。我一向反对这test,因为它有1-2成的miscarriage可能性。但如果小豆已有问题,不如听天由命,知道好过不知道。两个礼拜后再见医生拿测验报告。我回到家搬出电脑,对了它整天整夜,读了所有有关它的资料,知道此事非同凡响,无论如何都要heavy medical treatment约一年左右。我们该如何是好??